An HTML paragraph, represented by the <p> tag, is used to define a block of text on a web page. It is one of the fundamental elements in HTML for organizing and presenting textual content.

Here's how an HTML paragraph is structured:

<p>Text content goes here.</p>

In the example above, the text "Text content goes here." is wrapped within the <p> tags. The opening tag <p> indicates the start of a paragraph, while the closing tag </p> denotes the end of the paragraph. Any text, including other HTML elements, placed between the opening and closing tags will be treated as part of the paragraph.

HTML paragraphs have the following characteristics:

  • Block-level Element: The <p> tag is a block-level element, which means it starts on a new line and takes up the full width available by default. This behavior distinguishes paragraphs from inline elements like <span>.
  • Automatic Line Breaks: By default, the <p> tag automatically adds line breaks before and after the paragraph. This creates vertical spacing between paragraphs.
  • Default Styling: Browsers apply default styles to paragraphs, such as setting a margin above and below the paragraph. You can customize the appearance of paragraphs using CSS to match your design preferences.
  • Semantic Meaning: The <p> tag carries semantic meaning, indicating that the enclosed content represents a self-contained paragraph of text. Search engines and assistive technologies rely on this semantic markup to understand the structure and context of the content.

HTML paragraphs are commonly used for various purposes, including:

  • Writing introductory or explanatory text.
  • Organizing content into distinct paragraphs for readability.
  • Creating separate blocks of text with their own formatting.
  • Applying CSS styles to specific paragraphs.

By using HTML paragraphs, you can structure and present textual content effectively on your web pages, improving readability and understanding for both human visitors and search engines.

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