HTML inline elements are elements that do not start on a new line and only take up the necessary space for their content. They are used to format and style smaller parts of text within a larger block of content. Inline elements are typically nested within block-level elements and can appear within paragraphs, headings, lists, and other containers.

Here are some common examples of HTML inline elements:

  • <span>: A generic inline container used for styling and grouping inline elements.
  • <a>: Represents a hyperlink and is used for creating clickable links.
  • <strong> or <b>: Represents strong importance or bold text.
  • <em> or <i>: Represents emphasized or italicized text.
  • <code>: Represents a piece of computer code.
  • <img>: Represents an image element.
  • <br>: Represents a line break.
  • <input>: Represents an input field within a form.
  • <label>: Represents a label for an input field.

These elements do not create new blocks of content but instead integrate within the surrounding text or other inline elements. They can be styled using CSS to change their appearance, such as adjusting font size, color, or applying different text decorations.

Inline elements are typically used for small-scale formatting and styling within larger content areas. They can be combined with block-level elements to create structured and visually appealing web pages.

It's worth noting that certain elements can have both inline and block-level characteristics depending on their context and usage. For example, the <img> element is typically inline, but when used within a <div> with specific CSS properties, it can be displayed as a block-level element.

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