HTML Computer code element is used to mark up a section of computer code within a document. It is typically used to represent snippets of programming code, markup, or other computer instructions that are to be displayed as-is.

When the <code> element is used, the text within it is typically rendered in a monospaced font, and whitespace and line breaks are preserved. This helps distinguish the code from the surrounding text and maintains the formatting and indentation of the code.

Here's an example of using the <code> element:




<p>To display a message in JavaScript, you can use the <code>console.log()</code> function.</p>


In the example above, the <code> element is used to highlight the console.log() function as a section of computer code within the paragraph. The text within the <code> element will be rendered in a monospaced font, indicating that it represents code.

The <code> element can also be combined with the <pre> element to preserve additional formatting, such as multiple lines of code or indentation. The <pre> element represents preformatted text and is often used in conjunction with the <code> element for code blocks.

Here's an example of using <code> and <pre> together:

function greet() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");


In this example, the code block is wrapped in both the <code> and <pre> elements. The code is rendered with a monospaced font and preserves the line breaks and indentation.

Using the <code> element helps convey that a section of text represents computer code or instructions. It is commonly used in technical documentation, programming tutorials, and websites that involve sharing or explaining code snippets.

HTML Keyboard <kbd> Code

the <kbd> element is used to represent a section of text that indicates user input from a keyboard. It is typically used to display keyboard keys, key combinations, or any text that represents keyboard input.

When the <kbd> element is used, the text within it is typically rendered in a monospaced font and often enclosed in brackets or a box to visually distinguish it as keyboard input.

Here's an example of using the <kbd> element:

<p>To save a file, press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd>.</p>



To save a file, press Ctrl + S.

In the example above, the <kbd> element is used to highlight the "Ctrl" and "S" keys as keyboard input within the paragraph. The text within the <kbd> elements will be rendered in a monospaced font and may be enclosed in brackets or displayed as a box to indicate keyboard input.

The <kbd> element is particularly useful when providing instructions, documenting keyboard shortcuts, or displaying examples of user input in a consistent and recognizable way.

You can apply additional CSS styles to the <kbd> element to customize its appearance, such as changing the font, background color, or adding borders.

Here's an example of styling the <kbd> element with CSS:

  kbd {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    background-color: #f1f1f1;
    padding: 2px 4px;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    border-radius: 4px;

<p>To copy selected text, press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>C</kbd>.</p>

In this example, the CSS styles define a specific font family, background color, padding, border, and border-radius for the <kbd> element. The result is a visually styled representation of keyboard input.

HTML <samp> keyword

In HTML, the <samp> element is used to represent a section of sample or computer code output within a document. It is typically used to display the output or result of a computer program or code snippet.

When the <samp> element is used, the text within it is typically rendered in a monospaced font to distinguish it from the surrounding text.

Here's an example of using the <samp> element:

<p>The output of the program is <samp>Hello, world!</samp></p>


The output of the program is Hello, world!


<p>The output of the program is <samp>Hello, world!</samp></p>

In the example above, the <samp> element is used to highlight the "Hello, world!" text as sample or code output within the paragraph. The text within the <samp> element will be rendered in a monospaced font, indicating that it represents code output.

The <samp> element can also be combined with the <pre> element to preserve additional formatting, such as multiple lines of code output or indentation. The <pre> element represents preformatted text and is often used in conjunction with the <samp> element for code output blocks.

Here's an example of using <samp> and <pre> together:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3


In this example, the code output block is wrapped in both the <samp> and <pre> elements. The code output is rendered with a monospaced font and preserves the line breaks and indentation.

Using the <samp> element helps visually distinguish sample or code output within a document. It is commonly used in technical documentation, programming tutorials, and websites that involve displaying code examples or program output.

HTML <var> syntax

The <var> element is used to mark up a section of text that represents a variable or placeholder within a document. It is typically used to indicate a variable or symbolic value within a sentence or paragraph.

The <var> element is an inline-level element, which means it does not create a new block-level box and is meant to be used within a paragraph or other block-level elements.

Here's an example of using the <var> element:

<p>The equation y = <var>m</var>x + <var>b</var> represents a linear function.</p>



The equation y = mx + b represents a linear function.

In the example above, the <var> element is used to highlight the variables m and b within the equation, indicating them as placeholders or symbolic values.

The <var> element is primarily used for mathematical or symbolic representations. It does not imply any specific formatting or styling by default. However, you can apply additional CSS styles to customize its appearance if desired.

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