In HTML, an ID is an attribute used to uniquely identify an element within an HTML document. The ID attribute provides a way to target and reference specific elements for styling, scripting, or linking purposes.

To use the ID attribute, follow these steps:

  1. Define an ID: Choose a unique ID name for the element. ID names must be unique within the HTML document and should not contain spaces or special characters (except for dashes or underscores).

  2. Assign the ID to an HTML element: Add the ID attribute to the HTML element you want to identify. Set the value of the ID attribute to the chosen ID name.

Here's an example of how to use the ID attribute:

<h1 id="main-title">Welcome to My Website</h1>


In the example above, the ID "main-title" is assigned to the <h1> element using the id attribute. This ID can be used to target and reference the specific element in CSS or JavaScript.

Using the ID, you can apply specific styles or behaviors to a single element. For example, you can select and style the element using CSS:

#main-title {
  color: blue;
  font-size: 24px;


In the above CSS code, the #main-title selector targets the element with the ID "main-title" and applies a blue color and a font size of 24 pixels.

IDs are typically used for unique elements within a page, such as headers, navigation bars, or important sections. Unlike classes, which can be assigned to multiple elements, IDs should be unique within the document to maintain proper HTML structure.

IDs can also be used for linking within the same page or as targets for JavaScript functions or events. For example, you can create anchor links to jump to specific sections of a page by using the ID value as the destination:

<a href="#main-title">Go to Main Title</a>


In the above example, clicking the link will scroll the page to the element with the ID "main-title".

It's important to note that using unique IDs correctly is essential for maintaining valid HTML and ensuring the smooth functioning of CSS and JavaScript code. Duplicate IDs within a document can cause unexpected behavior or conflicts.

Difference between HTML Class and HTML ID

In HTML, both the class and ID attributes are used to provide additional information and attributes to elements, but they have distinct differences and purposes:

HTML Class:

  • The class attribute is used to group and classify multiple HTML elements together.
  • Multiple elements can have the same class, allowing for the application of common styles or behavior to those elements.
  • Classes are often used to style or target multiple elements with shared characteristics.
  • Elements can have multiple classes by separating them with spaces within the class attribute.
  • Classes are reusable and can be applied to multiple elements throughout the document.
  • CSS or JavaScript can target elements by their class using a class selector (e.g., .classname in CSS or getElementsByClassName() in JavaScript).


  • The ID attribute is used to uniquely identify a specific element within the HTML document.
  • IDs must be unique within the document, meaning that no two elements can have the same ID value.
  • IDs are often used to target and reference specific elements for styling, scripting, or linking purposes.
  • An element with an ID can be referred to by CSS or JavaScript using an ID selector (e.g., #idname in CSS or getElementById() in JavaScript).
  • IDs provide a way to apply specific styles or behaviors to individual elements.
  • IDs can be used for linking within the same page or as targets for JavaScript functions or events.
  • IDs should be unique and used sparingly, typically reserved for elements that require unique identification within the document structure.

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