In HTML, an image is an element used to display visual content, such as photographs, illustrations, icons, or logos, within a web page. Images enhance the visual appeal and convey information to users.

The <img> element is used to insert an image in HTML. It is a self-closing tag and does not require a closing tag. The main attribute used with the <img> element is the src attribute, which specifies the source or location of the image file. Here's the basic syntax of the HTML image element:

<img src="image-url" alt="alternate-text">


Let's break down the attributes used:

src: It specifies the URL or path to the image file. It can be an absolute URL (e.g., "") or a relative URL to the image file within the same website directory (e.g., "images/image.jpg").

alt: It provides alternative text that is displayed when the image cannot be loaded or for accessibility purposes. The alt attribute is important for users who are visually impaired or when the image fails to load. It should briefly describe the content or purpose of the image.

Here&#39;s an example of inserting an image in HTML:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="A beautiful sunset">


In the above example, the image file "image.jpg" is displayed, and the alt text "A beautiful sunset" is shown if the image cannot be loaded.

In addition to the src and alt attributes, there are other attributes you can use with the <img> element, such as width and height to specify the dimensions of the image in pixels, and title to provide additional information or tooltip text when hovering over the image.

It's worth noting that images can also be styled using CSS to adjust their size, alignment, borders, and other visual properties to suit the design of the web page.

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