Introduction about HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is the standard markup language used for creating web pages and applications. HTML uses tags to structure the content and define the layout and appearance of a web page. These tags are surrounded by angle brackets (< >) and are interpreted by web browsers to display the content correctly.

HTML allows you to define headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, images, links, forms, and other elements on a web page. It provides a way to structure and organize the content, including headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and other elements.

HTML documents are made up of a hierarchy of nested elements. The basic structure of an HTML document includes an opening tag and a closing tag. Inside the element, you typically have a element for specifying meta-information about the document, such as the title and character encoding. The actual content of the web page is placed within the element.

Within the <body> element, you can use various HTML tags to structure and format the content. For example, <h1> to <h6> tags are used for headings, <p> tags for paragraphs, <ul> and <ol> tags for unordered and ordered lists, <table> tags for tables, <img> tags for images, and <a> tags for links.

HTML can also include attributes within tags to provide additional information or functionality. For example, the <a> tag uses the href attribute to specify the URL of the link, and the <img> tag uses the src attribute to specify the source URL of the image.

Overall, HTML is a fundamental technology used in web development to create the structure and content of web pages, and it works in conjunction with other web technologies such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript to enhance the appearance and interactivity of websites.

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