An HTML comment is a way to add notes or remarks within an HTML code that are not displayed on the web page when it is rendered in a web browser. Comments are useful for documenting and explaining parts of the code or temporarily disabling specific sections.

In HTML, comments are denoted by the following syntax:

<!-- This is an HTML comment -->

Anything placed between <!-- and --> is considered a comment and is ignored by the web browser. It allows developers to provide explanations, reminders, or instructions within the code without affecting the actual content displayed on the webpage.

Here's an example of how comments can be used in HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Web Page</title>
    <h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>

    <!-- This is a comment explaining the purpose of the following paragraph -->
    <p>This paragraph contains some important information.</p>

        <p>This paragraph is currently disabled and will not be displayed.</p>

    <p>Feel free to explore the rest of the site!</p>

In the example above, the first comment explains the purpose of a paragraph, while the second comment disables the paragraph temporarily. When the HTML code is rendered in a browser, the comments are completely ignored, and only the visible content is displayed.

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