In CSS, links refer to hyperlinks that allow users to navigate from one web page to another or to different sections within the same page. Links are an essential part of web development as they enable seamless navigation and interactivity for users.

CSS plays a significant role in styling and formatting links to make them visually distinct and recognizable. CSS properties are used to control various aspects of link presentation, including color, text decoration, hover effects, and visited link styles.

Common CSS properties used for styling links include:

1) Color (color): This property sets the color of the link text. It allows you to define different colors for regular, visited, active, and hover states.

/* Example of setting link colors */
a {
  color: blue; /* Regular link color */

a:visited {
  color: purple; /* Visited link color */

a:hover {
  color: red; /* Link color on hover */

a:active {
  color: green; /* Link color when clicked */

2) Text Decoration (text-decoration): This property controls the appearance of the link text, such as underlining, overlining, or striking through the link.

/* Example of setting text decoration for links */
a {
  text-decoration: underline; /* Underline links */

a:hover {
  text-decoration: none; /* Remove underline on hover */

3) Cursor (cursor): This property determines the type of cursor displayed when hovering over a link, indicating to users that it is clickable.

/* Example of setting cursor style for links */
a {
  cursor: pointer; /* Show hand cursor for links */


4) Link Target (target): This property sets how the linked content opens when clicked. Common values include _self (opens in the same window/tab), _blank (opens in a new tab or window), etc.

<!-- Example of setting link target -->
<a href="" target="_blank">Visit Example</a>


By using CSS to style links, you can create visually appealing and user-friendly links that match the overall design and branding of your website. CSS allows you to customize link colors, text decorations, cursor styles, and other visual properties, ensuring that links are easily identifiable and provide a smooth user experience. Additionally, properly styled links can improve the accessibility and usability of your website, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the content.

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