In CSS, the !important rule is a special declaration that gives higher priority to a specific CSS property, overriding any conflicting styles declared with the same property. When a style is marked as !important, it takes precedence over other styles, regardless of their specificity.

The !important rule should be used sparingly and as a last resort, as it can lead to CSS code that is difficult to maintain and debug. It is generally recommended to use proper CSS specificity and avoid using !important whenever possible. However, there are situations where !important can be helpful, such as when you need to override styles from third-party libraries or when dealing with legacy code.

The syntax for using !important is as follows:

selector {
  property: value !important;


Let's go through an example to understand the use of !important:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>!important Example</title>
    p {
      color: red;
      font-size: 18px !important;

    .highlight {
      color: blue;
      font-size: 24px;
  <p>This text will be red and have a font size of 18px because of !important.</p>
  <p class="highlight">This text will be blue and have a font size of 18px because of !important.</p>

In this example, we have two conflicting styles for the <p> element. The first style selects all <p> elements and sets their color to red and font size to 18px using !important. The second style selects elements with the class "highlight" and sets their color to blue and font size to 24px. Despite the higher specificity of the second style, the font size specified with !important in the first style will take precedence, and both paragraphs will have a font size of 18px.

It's important to note that !important does not increase the specificity of a selector. It simply gives higher priority to the specific property it is applied to, regardless of the selector's specificity. This can lead to unexpected behavior and make the CSS harder to manage if overused.

Again, it's best to use !important sparingly and rely on proper CSS specificity and organization to create maintainable and predictable styles for your web pages.

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