In CSS, comments are lines of text that are not treated as part of the CSS code and are ignored by the browser. Comments are useful for adding notes, explanations, or reminders within your CSS code. They are helpful for yourself or other developers who may be working with the code to understand the purpose of certain styles or sections of the CSS.

CSS comments can be single-line or multi-line. The syntax for comments is as follows:

1) Single-line Comment: To add a single-line comment, you use double forward slashes (//) at the beginning of the line. Anything after the double slashes will be considered a comment and will not be parsed by the browser.

/* This is a single-line CSS comment */
body {
  background-color: #f0f0f0; /* This sets the background color to light gray */
  color: #333; /* This sets the text color to dark gray */


2) Multi-line Comment: For longer comments that span multiple lines, you can use the /* */ syntax. Anything between the opening /* and closing */ will be treated as a comment.

/* This is a multi-line CSS comment.
   It can span across several lines
   to explain complex styles or sections. */

/* You can also use multi-line comments to temporarily
   disable specific styles for testing purposes.
   For example:

   body {
     background-color: #f0f0f0;
     /* color: #333; /* This text color is temporarily disabled */

It's important to use comments in your CSS code to provide context and maintain readability, especially for larger projects or when collaborating with others. Comments won't affect the rendering of your web page; they are purely for documentation purposes. They are a helpful tool to make your CSS code more understandable and easier to maintain in the long run.

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